PD76-BASIC (3 relays, 4 digital inputs, 2 RS485, 1-Wire)

General description

The peripheral board JetHub PD76-BASIC is designed to control the load, connect peripherals, sensors in home automation systems.

The board can be used with processor modules that have a 40-pin JetHub connector.

The functionality of the board depends on the processor module used and the software (firmware) installed by the user.

The board is mounted in a PD76 DIN rail enclosure (130x76x57mm, which is about 4 standard DIN rail modules).


  • 3 relays with a maximum switching current of 5A;
  • 4 discrete inputs "dry contact";
  • 2 RS485 ports;
  • 1 port 1-Wire;
  • 1 x USB 2.0 port
  • 1 x 10 Mbps Ethernet port;
  • Possibility to install a Zigbee wireless module.


The operation of peripherals depends on the used processor module and the firmware installed on it.


The following power options are available:

  • From an external calibrated DC source with a maximum supply voltage range of 9 to 56 V. Power is supplied to a dedicated external terminal.
  • Passive PoE power is supported.
  • PoE power is optionally supported IEEE 802.3af Class 0 (In beta testing mode, not installed by default. The operation of the board may depend on the implementation of PoE on the source side voltage).

When power is applied to both the external terminal and the Ethernet connector at the same time, power will be supplied from the external terminal.

The maximum power of the built-in DC/DC converter is 10W.

For power supply through an external terminal, it is necessary to use a stabilized direct current source with a power of at least 5W. The recommended (nominal) input voltage range is from 12V to 48V (the maximum input supply voltage range is from 9 to 56V).

When using Passive PoE technology, power is supplied through the following pairs of Ethernet cable: pair 4(blue, white-blue) and pair 8 (brown, white-brown). The polarity of the connection does not matter. There is no galvanic isolation of power supply circuits in the controller. The recommended nominal input supply voltage of Passive PoE is from 12 to 48V.

When using Active PoE technology according to the 802.3af standard, power can be supplied in mode A (over pairs 4, 8) and in mode B (over data lines, 1, 3-6). The maximum power on the device corresponds to power class 0 (up to 13 W on a PD device). There is no galvanic isolation of power supply circuits in the controller.

Operating conditions

  • Ambient temperature: 0..+40 С;
  • Relative air humidity up to 80% without moisture condensation;
  • Closed explosion-proof rooms without aggressive vapors and gases.

Discrete inputs

The board contains 4 discrete inputs of the "dry contact" type, routed to two external four-pin screw terminals with a contact pitch of 3.5mm. The closure of the discrete input must be made to the common contact (GND). Be careful when connecting digital inputs. Do not apply voltage to the digital inputs.


The board contains 3 relays with a maximum switching current of up to 5A. Switched voltage up to 250V AC. Galvanic isolation between relay contacts 1000V.

The relays are connected to two-pin screw terminals with a contact pitch of 3.5mm and have an output type of 1A (normally open).


The board has one 10 Mbps Ethernet port. The board has an Ethernet matching transformer and an external RJ45 connector with an indication of the connection and activity of the Ethernet network. The Ethernet physical layer controller is installed on the processor module connected to the expansion connector.


The peripheral board has one external USB 2.0 port for connecting peripherals.

The external USB port of the controller can operate in two modes:

  • Main operating mode (USB host). In this mode, the external USB port is connected to the built-in USB hub, to which the RS485 ports are also connected.
  • Controller firmware mode, when an external USB port is connected directly to the processor pins, bypassing the USB hub. This mode is used to flash the controller using the Amlogic Burning Tool utility. ATTENTION! In this mode, the RS485 ports of the controller will be unavailable.

The operating mode of the external USB port is set when the board is turned on and depends on which source the peripheral board was powered from. Atpower supply from an external power terminal or when using power over Ethernet (using PoE technology), the main mode of the USB port is set. When powered by USB, the firmware mode of the controller is set.

The maximum current consumed by a peripheral device connected to the controller's external USB port must not exceed 0.5A. To protect the controller from exceeding the current consumed by an external device, a resettable fuse is installed in the USB power circuit, which limits the current in the USB power circuit to 0.5A.


Bus 1-Wire is routed to a 3-pin screw terminal with a pitch of 3.5mm. Assignment of terminal pins 1-Wire:

Contact NumberPurposeDescription
1+5V Power Out +5V (for powering external devices 1-Wire)
2 DataData bus 1-Wire
3GNDGround td>

For reliable operation of 1-Wire devices, it is recommended to connect them to the controller using a three-wire circuit (powered from +5V output).


The board has two RS-485 ports implemented using Silicon Labs CP2105 USB-UART interface converter chip. The RS-485 ports are routed to a four-pin screw terminal with a 3.5mm pin spacing.

The ends of the RS-485 bus must be terminated with 120 ohm resistors at both ends. To simplify installation, the board has built-in terminators connected to the RS-485 lines using jumpers (jumpers) located next to the RS-485 terminals.

Zigbee wireless module

The board provides a seat for installing a Zigbee wireless module. See the description of the wireless module module:  JetHome Zigbee module ZB6C v. 1 (CC2652P1).

The wireless communication module is controlled via the UART interface.  The UART lines from the module are routed to the expansion connector. It also provides for the control of a hardware reset of the module and the control of switching the module boot mode for its firmware. The control lines are also brought to the expansion connector.

Processor Module Expansion Slot

A pin header with 1.27mm pin spacing, 40 pins is used as an expansion connector.

Expansion connector pin assignment

< td>7< /tr>< td>UART2_TX (Connected to wireless module)< tr>< td>26
Connector PinConnector Pin Destination
1 +5V
5ETH_TXN (Output via transformer to RJ45 connector)
6ETH_TXP (Output via transformer to RJ45 connector)
ETH_RXN (Output through transformer to RJ45 connector)
8ETH_RXP (Output through transformer to RJ45 connector) RJ45)
9ETH_LED1 (Brought to RJ45 connector)
10 ETH_LED2 (Brought to RJ45 connector)
12< /td>SPI_MOSI (Not used)
13GPIO0 (Not used)
14SPI_MISO (Not used)
15SPI_CLK (Not used)
17 I2C_SCK (Connected to internal board peripherals)
18I2C_SDA (Connected to internal board peripherals)
20UART1_RX (Put to CONSOLE connector)
21UART1_TX (Brought to the CONSOLE connector)
23UART2_RX (Connected to wireless module)
28< /td>GPIO3 (Digital Input 2)
29GPIO4 (Digital Input 3)
30GPIO5 (Digital input 1)
31GPIO6 (Wireless module reset control )
32GPIO7 (Digital Input 4)
33GPIO8 (Relay 2)
34GPIO9 (Relay 1)
35GPIO10 (Mode control wireless module loading)
36GPIO11 (Relay 3)
39USB_DN (Connected to built-in USB hub)
40USB_DP (Connected to built-in USB hub)