JXM Expansion Modules

Connector PLD-2x6-2.54 for installing the module in the motherboard

Common slot for all expansion modules.

Output number Appointment Description
1 SLOT_ID0_ADC To set the slot number. Used by the module to determine the slot number in which it is installed.
2 SLOT_ID1_ADC To set the slot number. Used by the module to determine the slot number in which it is installed.
3 PWR_5V Power supply +5V
4 PWR_3V3 Power supply +3.3V
5 GND General
6 I2C_SCL I2C bus (common for all modules)
7 I2C_SDA I2C bus (common for all modules)
8 SPI_MOSI SPI bus (common for all modules)
9 SPI_MISO SPI bus (common for all modules)
10 SPI_SCK SPI bus (common for all modules)
11 #MOD_SEL Chip Select In for SPI module/chip selection (activated by logic low)
12 #MOD_INT Interrupt Out from the module (logic low, the circuit must provide "wired OR" operation - "open collector" output)

Connector PLD-2x2-2.54 for connecting an external terminal

Common slot for all expansion modules.

Output number Purpose Description
1 IO_3 Connected to external terminal
2 IO_2 Connected to external terminal
3 IO_4 Routed to external terminal (may not be used for 3-pin module)
4 IO_1 Connected to external terminal

Voltage levels used to identify modules

Levels in the range 0-3.3V are used. Voltage in the range from 0 to 0.1V is not used

TODO: provide guard ranges between slots several ADC samples wide??

Slot numberVoltage (Voltage range), VAlgorithm for determining (counts 12 -bit ADC)
-< 160
1TODO...< 324
2< 488
3< 652
4< 816
5< 980
6< 1144
7< 1308
8< 1472
9< 1636
10< 1800
11< 1964
12< 2128
13< 2292
14< 2456
15< 2620
16< 2784
17< 2948
18< 3112
19< 3276
20< 3440
21< 3604
22< 3768
23< 3932
24< 4096

Connector for connecting UART ports

A separate optional connector is used to connect the UART ports to the expansion module if needed.

The purpose of the connector pins on the side of the motherboard:

Pin number (wire color) Purpose Description
1 (red) SERID_ADC  The voltage level by which the slot number is determined
2 (black) GND General
3 (yellow) UART_TX CPU UART TX

WARNING! A DIRECT cable is used to connect the UART, so the UART RX / TX pin assignment is different on the processor side and on the peripheral side

Purpose of the pins of the UART connector on the side of the module:

Pin number (wire color) Purpose Description
1 (red) SERID_ADC  The voltage level by which the slot number is determined
2 (black) GND General
3 (yellow) UART_RX Peripheral UART RX
4 (green) UART_TX Peripheral UART TX

CAN connector

A separate optional connector is used to output the CAN bus to the expansion module if required.

Pin assignment of the CAN connector on the side of the motherboard:

Pin number (wire color) Appointment Description
1 (red) SER_ID_ADC The voltage level by which the slot number is determined (voltage levels other than UART are used)
2 (black) GND General
3 (yellow) CAN_TX CPU CAN TX
4 (green) CAN_RX CPU CAN RX

Voltage levels used to identify UART/CAN ports

Levels in the range 0-3.3V are used. Voltage in the range from 0 to 0.1V is not used

TODO: provide protection ranges betweenwith slots several ADC samples wide??

Port Voltage (voltage range), V
UART1 0.2 [0.1-0.3)
UART2 0.4 [0.3-0.5)
UART3 0.6 [0.5-0.7)
USBUART1 0.8 [0.7-0.9)
USBUART2 1.0 [0.9-1.1)
USBUART3 1.2 [1.1-1.3)
USBUART4 1.4 [1.3-1.5)
USBUART5 1.6 [1.5-1.7)
CAN1 1.8 [1.7-1.9)
CAN2 2.0 [1.9-2.1)
IO1 2.2 [2.1-2.3)
Reserved 2.4 [2.3-2.5)
Reserved 2.6 [2.5-2.7)
Reserved 2.8 [2.7-3.9)
Reserved 3.0 [2.9-3.1)
Reserved 3.2 [3.1-3.3)


Each module contains a microcontroller operating in I2C slave mode (MOD_MCU). The I2C address of the microcontroller depends on the voltage on the SLOT_ID_ADC pin.

< td>21
Slot Address
1 0x60
2 0x61
3 0x62
4 0x63
5 0x64
6 0x65
7 0x66
8 0x67
9 0x68
10 0x69
11 0x6A
12 0x6B
13 0x6C
14 0x6D
15 0x6E
16 0x6F
23< /td>0x76

On modules that require I2C to operate, DIP switches can be set to select the address of the main chip. The current address can be found by calling MOD_MCU

Megawin MG82F6D17 pinout

pin number Mnemonic main function Alternate function
4 VR0
5 +3.3V
6 P1.0 SLOT_ID0_ADC (JXM connector) AIN0
7 P1. 1 SLOT_ID1_ADC (JXM connector) AIN1
8 P1.5 GPIO AIN5
9 P1.6 GPIO AIN6
10 P1.7 MOD_SEL (JXM connector)
11 P2.2 I2C0_SCL (JXM connector)
12 P2. 4 I2C0_SDA (JXM connector)
13 P3.0 SER_ID_ADC (Serial connector) AIN4
14 P3. 1 MOD_INT
15 P3.3 SPI_CLK (JXM connector)
16 P3. 4 SPI_MISO (JXM connector)
17 P3.5 SPI_MOSI (JXM connector)
19 P4. 4 OCD_SCL (JTAG) RXD0

MOD_MCU I2C protocol